STRIKELORD for the code create a page named 2go arena and paste the code for the page that guest copies after registration Copt below:
<center><div class="cyclone2"><b style=color:blue;>Click </b><a href="{_$title|Magikwap&icon={_$icon|m}&logo={_$logo|MAGIKWAP.TK}&url={_$url|}&border={_$border|default}&css={_$css|default}&fb={_$fb|magikwap}&t={_$t|magikwap}&time={_$time|lime}&snow={_$snow|blue}&state={_$state|Abia}&country={_$country|Nigeria}"<font color="red"><b style=color:red;>HERE</a></b></b></font><b style=color:blue;>To View Your Facebook Arena</b></div></center><center><div class="cyclone2"><b style=color:blue;>Copy Below:</b><br/><textarea rows="1" cols="5"><a href="{_$title|Magikwap}&icon={_$icon|m}&border={_$border|default}&css={_$css|blue}&url={_$url|}&fb={_$fb|magikwap}&t={_$t|Magikwap}&logo={_$logo|MAGIKWAP.TK}&snow={_$snow|blue}&time={_$time|lime}&state={_$state|Abia}&country={_$country|Nigeria}">Facebook arena</a></textarea></div></center>
Copy code you can edit the link and put yours.
MAGIKLORD In the first code i saw Ur Link wil i pt my real 2go arena link there, and fr dis second code i wil use the link where i post the first am correct.
JIKA ANDA BUTUH ANGKA RITUAL/JITU 2D=3D=4D SGP/HK DI JAMIN 100% JEBOL HBG MBAH RORO DI NMR 0853_3000_1769) DAN UNTUK LEBIH JELAS [⌣»̶•̵̭̌✽̤̈•̵̭̌☀̤̈>><<☀̤̣̈̇•̵̭̌✽̤̈•̵̭̌«̶⌣]
a secret code html for create an amazing site for instantly:
MAGIKLORD pls i need more explanation on web coding
mrblins web coding is an HTML function used in adding unavailable functions in any wen page like text generators etc
MAGIKLORD pls teach me wat to do next am confuse
mrblins you should change your site CSS first by putting this code at the top of your website
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" media="all,handheld"/>
Copy code