STRIKELORD And u tell me hw to group my folder so that i can upload in them. Eg i have app/games combined, and i wnt to create it like dis folder apps and games inside i wil create application and Games then i wil open the application inside then application i wil write ANDROID , JAVA , SYMBIAN , BROWSING ZONE , PC , BLACKBERRY, MODDING TOOLS SECTION and then upload in android , java, symbian, browsin zone and moddin tools. Then i will go back to Games now, inside games i write ANDROID , SYMBIAN , JAVA, BLACKBERRY , PC , Then inside Java games i will write screen sizes like dis bt i need the multiplication sign pls, like dis 128*160 , 128*128 , 176 *176 , 240*320, 320*240 , 320*400, 420*600, then i wil write again after write the screen size down, CHINA GAMES , TRANSLATED GAMES, GAMELOFT GAMES . Then upload in them, to me hw i can do it and also design the folders with the colour i like...... Pls i need FULL TOTURIAL AND EXAMPLE ON HOW TO DO IT!